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New York Conference on Asian Studies – Call for papers



New York Conference on Asian Studies, NYCAS 13 September 27-28, 2013 Binghamton University, SUNY

The deadline for submitting proposals is May 31, 2013.

Binghamton University will host the 49th annual meeting of the New York Conference on Asian Studies (NYCAS) on September 27-28, 2013. The venue will be the Holiday Inn Arena & Convention Center.

The NYCAS 2013 program committee invites proposals for panels, roundtables, and individual papers on all aspects of Asian and Asian-American history, culture, and contemporary life, representing disciplines in the humanities, social sciences, and professional schools. Interdisciplinary proposals are also welcome. Graduate students are especially encouraged to apply.

Submission Guidelines

All panel, roundtable, and paper proposals must include the name and full contact information of all participants You should submit your proposal online by visiting

INDIVIDUAL PAPER proposals should include the full title and a brief abstract of 250 words or less. Individual papers will be assigned by the NYCAS 2013 program committee to a panel according to topic and should be short enough to present in 15-20 minutes. Word-for-word reading of papers is discouraged.

A PANEL consists of 3 or 4 papers organized around a common topic or theme, and a chair (who may also be one of the panelists). All panel proposals should include a title and brief abstract of the panel (250 words or less), and a title and brief abstract of each paper. Panels will run for 90 minutes, and paper presentations should be short enough to allow for questions and discussion. Creative panel formats that encourage discussion and exchange are especially welcomed.

ROUNDTABLE FORMAT may vary, but could include introductory remarks by each roundtable participant, followed by comments and discussion among participants and the audience. All roundtable proposals should include a title, content summary, and description of the anticipated contributions of each roundtable participant.


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