Photograph by Bo Wang
Here at dGenerate, we’ve been blessed with a team of highly accomplished interns who’ve lent hundreds of hours of time and talent to our efforts. Our interns have come from top schools like Stanford or NYU, have earned at least one Masters Degree, and have travelled around the world (China being the most common destination, naturally). One of our brightest interns is Bo Wang, who earned a Masters in Physics and is currently pursuing a second degree in Photography at the School of Visual Arts in New York. We’re pleased to share the news that Bo is having a solo exhibition of his work at Gallery 456, January 15-February 5, 2010. The Gallery is sponsored by the Chinese American Arts Council.
According to the Gallery program description, Bo’s Exhibit, “Heteroscapes is “a portrait of China’s contemporary urban spaces and landscapes in a period of intensified transition:”
Throughout the past 20 years of an economic boom, this transition has shifted the social power structure and subverted once common values, dramatically altering the functions and even the concreteness of landscapes and urban structures. In these striking photographs, simultaneous demolition and construction erase the memories of the land and implant new but unrecognizable values. The China of these photographs is a battlefield of transition.”
Please visit the exhibition if you are in the area.
If you are a talented, energetic individual who wants to be involved in bringing the best of Chinese cinema to the US, find out more by contacting us at info *at* dgeneratefilms.com. (You don’t necessarily need to have two graduate degrees.)