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Chinese Film Fest Studies Update

An update from Chris Berry and Luke Robinson, organizers of the Chinese Film Fest Studies website:

In the past two months, news has emerged of details for the Qingdao International Film Festival, slated to commence in 2017. Both the Hollywood Reporter and Screen Daily reported on the organisational line-up announced for the festival, which is the brainchild of the Dalian-based Wanda Group. In addition, the 17th Shanghai International Film Festival took place in June. This year, there was particular controversy surrounding accusations that the festival “fixed” a press conference around a sensitive local film whose star had recently been arresting for soliciting. FilmBiz Asia has a report on this kerfuffle. Finally, Kiki Yu Tianqi (University of Nottingham Ningbo) has just published a report on last year’s Guangzhou International Documentary Film Festival in Studies in Documentary Film, which we link to here.

FESTIVAL REPORT: James Cummings, of the University of Newcastle, has written us a report on the 10th anniversary celebrations of the Chinese Independent Film Festival, which were held at Newcastle last month. These were organised by network member Sabrina Yu and her PhD student, Lydia Wu.

CFFS FINAL WORKSHOP 24 JUNE 2014: The AHRC-sponsored Chinese Film Festival Studies Research Network had its final workshop at King’s College London on 24 June, 2014. At this closed event, network members discussed and offered feedback to each other on drafts of chapters for the book that will be the primary output of the research network. Further details to follow.

The network’s funded period of operation finished at the end of June 2014. However, this website will continue as long as there is the energy to maintain it and interest in its contents.

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