The Bernard Schwartz Fellows Program
The Bernard Schwartz Fellows Program seeks to contribute to a better understanding of policy challenges and opportunities related to the growing importance of Asia in the international political arena and global economy. The program selects highly qualified professionals to serve as resident Fellows at Asia Society’s headquarters in New York City for up to one year. During the course of their residencies, Fellows direct a major and original policy project, including writing a policy relevant publication for Asia Society.
Additionally, Asia Society relies on Fellows to provide in-house expertise via the media. Opportunities to present their work and/or participate in panel discussions, conferences, and other events at the Society’s Centers in the United States and Asia are also arranged. In these ways, Fellows play an important role in the Society’s mission of promoting policy dialogue and public education on Asia.
The application process is highly competitive. Candidates are drawn internationally from the fields of government, academia, journalism, business, and civil society. Nominations are by invitation or application. The requirements for Bernard Schwartz Fellows include a solid record of distinction, a soundly conceived project proposal with clear policy relevance, and a commitment to engaging the policy community and the broader public. The Program does not fund pre- or postdoctoral research or work toward a degree. A minimum of 10 years of experience is required; this is a senior level position.
Asia Society is reaching out to our supporters as we seek nominations and applications for the 2013 Bernard Schwartz Fellows Program. Interested applicants who meet the profile and qualifications outlined above should send a cover letter, a detailed curriculum vitae, and project proposal to Johan Kharabi at with the subject line ³2013 Bernard Schwartz Fellow Application.²
For more information, please visit: < bf200&id=d3ef4d8cf4&e=c11b664f06>
Dual-title Ph.D. program in Asian Studies AND Chinese History, Comparative
Literature, Applied Linguistics, or Political Science at The Pennsylvania State University
The Departments of History, Comparative Literature, Applied Linguistics, And Political Science at the Pennsylvania State University are accepting applications for their dual-title Ph.D. program with Asian Studies (started in 2010). The Asian Studies dual-title degree program is an innovative step towards uniting Penn State’s new commitment to Asian Studies with its traditional disciplinary strengths in History, Comparative Literature, Applied Linguistics and Political Science. The Asia-related strengths and fields of study in each of the partner disciplines with Asian Studies are as follows:
1. The History Department is currently training specialists in early modern or modern Chinese history. It has faculty strengths in pre-modern Chinese history and intellectual history, the history of ethnicity and borderland regions, modern social and cultural history, and Christian missions to China.
2. The Comparative Literature Department is currently training intra-Asian And East-West comparatists using Chinese or Japanese. It has faculty strengths in modernism, transnational and diasporic literature, Sinophone studies, new media, book history, and post-colonial and gender studies.
3. The Applied Linguistics Department is currently training specialists in language teaching and research. It has faculty strengths in cognitive linguistics, sociolinguistics, computational linguistics, linguistic anthropology, pragmatics, and corpus linguistics.
4. The Political Science Department is currently training specialists in Comparative Politics and International Relations. It has faculty strengths in democratization, comparative political economy, international political economy, and conflict studies.
The graduate faculty in Asian Studies at The Pennsylvania State University include:
HISTORY David Atwill (History/Late Imperial and Modern China) Kathlene Baldanza (History/Early Modern China and Vietnam) Erica Brindley (History/Early China, Early Vietnam) Kumkum Chatterjee (History/Mughal South Asia) Ronnie Hsia (History/Europe and China) Kate Merkel-Hess (History/ Modern China) On-cho Ng (History/Late Imperial China) Greg Smits (History/Early Modern Japan)
COMPARATIVE LITERATURE Jonathan Abel (primary Asian language of comparison: Japanese) Andrea Bachner (primary Asian language of comparison: Chinese) Charlotte Eubanks (primary Asian language of comparison: Japanese) Eric Hayot (primary Asian language of comparison: Chinese) Shuang Shen (primary Asian language of comparison: Chinese) Reiko Tachibana (primary Asian language of comparison: Japanese)
APPLIED LINGUISTICS Susan Strauss (Japanese, Korean, Persian) Ning Yu (Chinese) Xiaofei Lu (Chinese)
POLITICAL SCIENCE Vineeta Yadav (China and India) Boliang Zhu (China) Gretchen Casper (Southeast Asia)
OTHER ASIANISTS: Tina Chen (English/Asian American) Madhuri Desai (Art History/South Asian Architecture) Sumita Raghuram (Labor Studies/South Asia) Bee-yan Roberts (Economics/Asia) Gonzalo Rubio (Classics/Ancient Near East) Xiaoye You (English/China, Rhetoric)
For further information about the dual-title Ph.D. program in Asian Studies at Penn State, with links to each of its partner disciplines, please see
The deadline for applications depends on the department to which one is applying. Further inquiries about the program may be directed to Erica Brindley, Associate Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in Asian Studies,
Andrea Bachner Assistant Professor of Comparative Literature and Asian Studies The Pennsylvania State University University Park, PA 16802
———- Imagining Globality: China’s Global Projects in Culture
University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada – June 12-14 (Wed-Fri), 2013
The China Institute at the University of Alberta will be hosting a conference to explore China’s global projects in culture and how these projects variously imagine a global world and China’s place in it.
Recent popular and academic discourses have speculated much on “China’s rise” and its implications for the future global order. Representations of China, which oscillate between a positive ‘rise’ or negative ‘threat’, bestow on the Chinese state, explicitly or implicitly, the power to make the world over according to its own desires. The concept ofglobal projects (as theorized by Anna Tsing) enables us, however, to analyse larger global processes as a composite of projects. Such global projects may work together or to conflicting ends, but each is culturally and institutionally specific and thereby circumscribed in its ability to shape the global order according to its own imagined globality.
As ‘soft power’ issues increasingly make their way into China’s official state discourse, it becomes necessary to consider the ways in which individuals and organizations in and from China are engaging with the world through culture, both officially and unofficially. The images and imaginaries being generated through the various cultural global projects emanating from China are significant in understanding how Chinese individuals and organizations see China, how they hope to be seen by others, and how they are discursively negotiating China’s shifting place in the world.
This interdisciplinary conference will bring together scholars from diverse backgrounds to explore the ways in which China has in the recent past and is today engaging with the world culturally. We invite submissions from scholars in the social sciences and humanities whose research engages with the following broad themes:
1) China Imagined: In what ways are the Chinese state, organizations and individuals portraying China? Who are the key actors (or what are the key events) shaping projected images of China? To what ends do such representations work? What tensions and/or contradictions may exist across different depictions or in what ways might they be mutually reinforcing?
2) Globalities Imagined: In what ways do China’s various global projects imagine the world, and in particular China’s role/place in it? In what ways do depictions intended for global circulation and consumption reinforce or contradict narratives intended for home audiences? What intellectual/social/cultural contributions is China generating to address global issues?
3) Cultural Political Economy: In what ways is Chinese culture being used as a resource in global engagements (cultural, political, economic, or otherwise) and to what purpose? In what ways is cultural power tied to China’s growing economic and political interests?
Possible topics include but are not limited to: · China’s culture industries in global context (e.g. media, film, music, cultural products) · Confucius Institutes · China’s soft power and/or cultural diplomacy · China’s mega-events · Popularization and/or circulation of Chinese culture outside China (e.g. TCM, Chinese New Year) · China’s contributions to issues of global concern (e.g. development, governance) · China’s cultural engagements with different regions such as Africa, Asia, North America, Europe, etc. (i.e. how does China engage differently with different geographical regions?) · Chinese culture and transnational capitalism (e.g. corporate diplomacy)
The deadline for submission of presentation proposals is January 31, 2013.
Proposals should be approximately 300 words in length and submitted by email (preferably in the text of the email) to Please also include your name, designation, department, and institution. Applicants will be notified of acceptance by late February 2013.
Accommodations and some meals will be provided to panelists.
For additional information, please contact the conference organizers at:
If you feel your question(s) may be pertinent to others, please also feel free to contact us through our facebook page: 171003582915953
Conference webpage: