The Center for the Pacific Rim at the University of San Francisco invites applications for the Academic Director of the Ricci Institute for Chinese-Western Cultural History, a tenure-track, open rank faculty position in the Humanities and Social Sciences (especially political science, anthropology, sociology, literature, and art history) with an emphasis on the study of Chinese-Western interaction and exchange (i.e. cultural, religious, intellectual encounters, trade networks) from the Ming dynasty to the contemporary period to begin in Fall 2013. Details at the University of San Francisco website.
The Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures at the University of Oregon invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of Assistant Professor in Modern Chinese Literature to begin Fall 2013. We are looking for a dynamic scholar and teacher whose research expertise will add strength to our vibrant community of China and East Asia scholars. Research fields are open, but preference will be given to candidates who work in PRC literature, film, and/or culture. The ideal candidate will be ready to teach courses ranging from large undergraduate classes to graduate seminars, and to mentor graduate students at all stages of their training (M.A. and Ph.D.). The ability to teach a content course in Chinese for our Chinese Flagship program is also highly desirable. We seek candidates committed to working with students, faculty, and staff from diverse backgrounds. Required are a Ph.D. in Chinese literature or related field, native or near native fluency in Mandarin and English, and a demonstrated potential for teaching and research excellence. Advanced assistant professors are encouraged to apply; salary will be commensurate with experience. For full job announcement, see Please submit a statement of research and teaching interests, a vita, a writing sample, and three letters of recommendation to: Academic Jobs Online job #2325. Applications will be reviewed beginning January 10, 2013 until the position is filled. For inquiries about the position, please contact the Search Chair Professor Maram Epstein, maram@uoregon.eduAA/EO/ADA Employer.
College of Wooster, Chinese: Visiting Assistant Professor. Full-time, one-year visiting position for 2013-2014 to teach language classes at all levels, Chinese culture and literature in translation, advise Senior Independent Study theses in the major, and participate in extracurricular activities in the Chinese Language Suite. Experience in Chinese language instruction (especially at the upper level) at U.S. colleges is expected. Native fluency. MA required; ABD or Ph.D. preferred. Field of specialization open. Letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, teaching philosophy, and 3 letters of recommendation must be submitted electronically to Cynthia Bernardy, Administrative Coordinator, Chinese Studies, The College of Wooster at: by February 1, 2013. Questions concerning the position can be addressed to Rujie Wang, Chair, Chinese Studies,