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Videos and Award Winners of Beijing Independent Film Festival

By Kevin B. Lee

Here are two videos I produced while attending the 9th Beijing Independent Film Festival in August. The first, produced for Fandor, captures a first-hand instance of the kind of official monitoring and pressure experienced by the festival organizers and participants. It also makes reference to the recent problems faced by independent filmmakers Ying Liang and Hu Jie, both of whose films are distributed by dGenerate.

The second video, produced for the British Film Institute Sight & Sound magazine, goes further into the details of the festival’s cancellations, with exclusive video footage of the events, as well as four standout films from the festival lineup.

A second video and full list of the award winners can be found after the break.

Winners of 9th Beijing Independent Film Festival

Outstanding Documentary Award:

Satiated Village, dir. Zou Xueping

Documentary Jury Prize:

Born in Beijing, dir. Ma Li

Documentary Independent Spirit Award:

Gold Everywhere, dir. Li Xiaofeng

Awards for Outstanding Dramatic Film:

Burned Wings, dir. Zheng Kuo

“Family Reunion,” (short) dir. Chen Lihua

Jury Awards for Outstanding Dramatic Films:

Egg and Stone, dir. Huang Ji

“The Hunter and the Skeleton,” (short) dir. Gyatso Gentsu

“Women Directors,” (short) dir. Yang Mingming

Experimental Innovation Awards:

“All the Lines Flow Out” (short) Lim Yi-yong

“Ladybird’s Requiem,” (short) dir. Akino Kondo


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