The Graduate Studentship in Chinese Humanities is open to all applicants for postgraduate research in Chinese Humanities. If a suitable candidate presents him or herself, an election will be made to the Graduate Studentship in Chinese Humanities with effect from 1 October 2012. The studentship comprises the equivalent of the university and college fee for up to three years (at the UK/EU rate) and a maintenance grant following the University standard rate of approximately =A313,000 per annum. The award is tenable from October 2012 for one year in the first instance, renewable for up to a maximum of two further years subject to receipt of a satisfactory report from the supervisor. The award is intended for any postgraduate student pursuing doctoral research in any field of Chinese Humanities. Candidates must have obtained a merit or distinction result or its equivalent in a master=92s course in a relevant field of study.
The award is tenable at any Oxford college, and may only be held in the Faculty of Oriental Studies.
Applications must include: (a) the intended supervisor of the research project; (b) a brief statement of the academic career, including attainments and qualifications; (c) a statement of research interests of not more than seven pages (including outline, research proposal, bibliography); (d) the names of two referees, who should be asked to supply confidential references by the closing date (please see below); and (e) a statement of any other sources of funding held or being applied for by the candidate if applicable. All applications will be considered on their merits by a panel of representatives from the Faculty of Oriental Studies.
Applications and references should be received by Charlotte Vinnicombe, Faculty Board Secretary, The Oriental Institute, Pusey Lane, Oxford OX1 2LE, e-mail<> no later than 20 January 2012, which is also the next gathered field deadline for applications for graduate study. Applicants should ask their referees to supply confidential references by the same date. A separate application to the University for a place for doctoral study is required, and the award would also be subject to an offer of a place from a college. Students already enrolled on a relevant taught masters course at Oxford are also eligible to apply.
Please see